Ōkami Spirit Brewery offers a variety of sake brewed and especially blessed by the owner, an Okami Diety of Balance: Tetsuro Wulf. The sake is said to offer otherwordly properties for both yōkai and mortals to enjoy. The establishment itself offers a cozy setting for yokai and mortals looking to simply browse, sit, or sample any of the shop's offered sake. Customers are encouraged to sample and have snacks with their drinks throughout their stay!Establishments are also free to request or come in to order shipments from Ōkami Spirit Brewery, should they wish. Collaboration and trade welcome! The Wulf Spiritual Shop is also an extension of the brewery's wares that customers are welcome to browse and purchase during open hours.

Sake selection

A list and description of each different kind of sake sold at the brewery. All are available to be sampled.

otsumami (snacks)

Snacks typically served with alcoholic drinks and encouraged to be eaten whilst customers are sampling or drinking.

spiritual shop

Connect with your spiritual side~ Stock up on various items revolving around spirituality, meditation, scents, trinkets, exorcism, or combat.

the okami shrine

Tetsuro's shrine dedicated to one's spiritual balance and that of the supernatural. Information on divination and various services offered by the okami shrine.

About the shop

Information and gallery on the Okami Spirit Sake Brewery as well as it's owner. The establishment's doors are open to mortals, yokai, and spirits alike!

Main Event : Sake & Tarot

Tetsuro has collaborated with his good friend Azure, to run a reoccuring event in the brewery, 'Sake & Tarot' every so often on Thursdays at 9PM - 12AM EST on Coeurl. Visitors are welcome to stop by for a tarot reading, purchasing shop items, and an order of sake and snacks!

Types of sake

Junmai (純米) ✦ refers to 'pure rice' and holds a rich full body with an intense, slightly acidic flavor. It can be enjoyed warmed or at room temperature.Honjozo (本醸造) ✦ smoothed out flavor, light and easy to drink, can be enjoyed warmed or chilled.Ginjo (吟醸) ✦ brewed using special yeast and fermentation techniques. It is light, fruity, and complex in flavor that is quite fragrant. It is usually enjoyed served chilled.

Tamago-zake (玉子酒) warm and thicker creamy limited-time drink for the holidays consisting of sake, raw egg, and sugar.Toso (とそ) ✦ SPICY! Packaged with various hingan spices, such as; An herbal mixture of cinnamon bark, the seeds of sansho, bofu and okera.. adding a kick!Daiginjo (大吟醸) ✦ super premium sake. Typically pricey, served chilled to bring out their nice light flavor, complex flavors and aromas.Shiboritate (しぼりたて) ✦ is directly from the presses into the bottles, then out to the market. It can be wild and fruity.

Nigori (濁り) ✦ is cloudy white and coarsely filtered with very small bits of rice floating around in it. Usually sweet and creamy. Comes in flavors; rolanberry, mango, white peach, lychee, blueberry, and apple. OWNER FAVORITE!

Nama-zake (生酒) ✦ is unique in that it is unpasteurized, and as such it has to be refrigerated to be kept fresh. Often fresh, fruity flavor with a sweet aroma.Jizake (地酒) ✦ commonly brewed throughout Othard, going well with each region's cuisine. It's fresh and well-priced.

Soju (소주) ✦ clear & colorless eastern liquor, smooth and mild, though hits hard when one does not expect it. Comes in flavors; rolanberry, grapefruit, peach, lemon, or flavorless.Tei-aru shu (低アル) ✦ a softer-feeling drink primarily for those who have low alcohol tolerance, but still enjoy sake.Kijoshu (貴醸酒) ✦ aged sweet sake, more heavy and dense. Very popular in older times.Awasake (あわさけ) ✦ clear and sparkling sake for the fancier crowd, can only be served cold.

Otsumami (snacks)

Edamame (枝豆) ✦ soybeans in pods, can be ordered spicy, salted, peppered, or plain.

Onigiri (おにぎり) ✦ pre-packaged rice balls wrapped in seaweed with chicken, salmon, tuna mayo, veggies, umeboshi, okaka, mentaiko, or konbu.

Senbei (煎餠) ✦ savory and round doman crunchy rice crackers, can be salted, spicy, or sweet.

Ika Ten (イカ天) ✦ squid tempura in batter and fried, seasonsed with salt and crunchy.

Saki Ika (さきいか) ✦ dried spicy shredded calamari, seasoned with salt and red chili.

Nori Ten (のり天) ✦ seaweed tempura, light and crisp whilst the batter itself is thicker and slightly chewy.

Ika Kun (イカ燻) ✦ seasoned dried calamari, small rings of tender dried squid, can be salted or with chili.

ABout the shop

Okami Spirit Sake Brewery was founded and created by Tetsuro Wulf, an Okami Deity of Balance. Tetsuro has always been fascinated in brewing his own sake, given his village within the Yokai Realm would often do the same and distribute blessed sake to many different yokai clans. Tetsuro took interest in creating a shop in which others may be able to sample and his favor blessed sake in a comfortable and safe atmosphereThe establishment is heavily catered to the co-existence of yokai amongst mortals, and heavily welcomes those from another world!

The Sake Brewery welcomes restaurant owners and establishments who may be looking to collaborate, trade, or order shipments and stocks of sake to hold in their restaurants as well. All they would need to do is set up an appointment with the owner or come in during the open hours of the shop.

okami spirit collaborators

The Okami Spirit Sake Brewery is known for collaborations and imports of the many kinds of sake to offer, including special orders that may not be shown on the menu! Those interested in collaborations are welcome to contact the owner, Tetsuro Wulf (Tetsuro#3438 on Discord). Those who have collaborated and credited Okami Spirit's imports for their establishments are mentioned. Though, collaborations and orders include, but are not limited to;
Temples, shrines, restaurants, bars/taverns, large parties, nightclubs, etc.

Partners & collaborators


Wulf Spiritual shop

Most items are blessed by the Ōkami Deity, Tetsuro Wulf.
Connect with your spiritual side by no religious means necessary!

Special vintage barrels of sake blessed by the servants of Inari within a sacred kitsune village. Each able to carry thanks to bamboo rope. Guarantees no hangerovers!

Sticks, Cones, or Sachets! We have incense such as: dragons blood, eucalyptus, sandalwood, blue moon, lavender, cherry blossom, cinnamon, citrus, sunset, etc.

Prayer beads in the form of a bracelet or a necklace. Each color has a significant meaning behind it, attached to the display are the color meanings here.

Traditional charms made for protection against evil spirits, good fortune, harvest, fertility, and prosperity! One of the kitsune, and one of the Okami deity.

Special candles while each's aids in unblocking one of the following chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Buy one or all!

Paper strips with various purposes when pasted on a designated area. They can; sealing, ward against evil, vanquishing evil spirits offer protection, good fortune,

Placing this statue in certain homes, offices, shrines, dojos, or temples promotes tranquility and spiritual balance, especially good for meditation, or warding off negative energies.

Can be rubbed on hands, arms, or chest. Scents include: eucalyptus, peppermint, cedarwood, lavender, ylang ylang, rose, myrrh, chamomile, lemon, frankincense, etc.

An assortment of monthly-changing flowers that hold spiritual properties, grown by the usage of Chi. This enhances their potency and purpose as flowers and herbs.
View this moon's flowers here!

Various selections of crystals that hold properities pertaining to healing, protection, and spiritual growth to the user. It can be carried on their person, channeled into, or rubbed! View different crystals here.

Waters from the Holy Realm known as Shinrinyoku that hold properties of rejuvenation and healing, able to refresh one and tend to things such as; hangovers, post-sickness, fuzziness, stomach ache, etc.

Holy Water - Concentrated divine water blessed by a Kami, used for cleansing, purificatiion, or exorcism.
Kodoku Poison - A lethal poison consisting of venom.. spit. Could probably kill someone.

Scilla's powders

Each jar is filled with a vibrant powder. Should one open the top, said powder will rise and fill a small area with a haze. Inhale and these powders will go into effect. Rather potent things, as said on a small note on the jar. They can also be wiped onto weapons and used in battle, should one wish. If used on a weapon, it will seep into the bloodstream and take effect as if inhaled.Everyday use powders (Sleep & Fertilizing) can be sold in Large, Medium, or Small round glass jars.Battle powders (Paralyzing, Blinding, Hallucinogenic) can be sold in Medium or Small round glass jars.Invigorating powders are small round jars only.LARGE - 3000 GIL
SMALL - 1000 GIL

Okami Shrine
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The Okami Shrine is a respite for those seeking services aligning with spiritual balance and looking beyond the veil of the supernatural. As a Kami of Balance, Tetsuro strongly advocates for the spiritual growth of individuals at their own pace, as well as their willingness to look within. Various methods of divination are offered to the client so long as they're willing, and the result of each may vary.

Wulf's eye Divination

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Tetsuro's deck is themed around the spiritual representation of the wolf totem and all that it has to offer. Thus, one can ask questions based on the card they choose and what the cards reveal in counsel about oneself.

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Incense is lit and the smoke is read, offering a semblance of fortune regarding one's future.. observed by the way rising smoke responds to one's hand. You are free to choose the scent of incense when receiving this reading.

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Are you in need of a spiritual refresher? Rid of a cluster of negative energy stewing in your being? Tetsuro offers a temporary blessing to help one's personal growth. Grounding, rebalance, luck, energy boosts, or protection!

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Though not necessarily divination, a means to ask the Kami for any sort of guidance regarding situations at hand and whatever may involve one's own growth or want to soul-search. Back and forth counsel, advice, or suggested sessions.

No gil is required for divination, but if one would like to donate to the okami shrine, it will contribute to the efforts of the Balance, including the co-existence between mortals and yokai within the Mundane realm.

If one would like to seek further spiritual services to schedule, Tetsuro offers various different guided sessions for all, including the following:Way of Chi
The Art of Zen
The Book of the Five Rings
Looking into the Seven Chakras


The Okami Shrine supports love and expression, thus those who seek a blessing and service in the area shall receive! Would you and your sweetheart like to strengthen your love on a spiritual level? Enhance your chances in your love life? Look no further, we have you covered.

Shrine services offered:

INCENSE CLEANSING: This is to demonstrate the cleansing of energies between couples to strengthen their love and connection.SHARED BLESSED SAKE: Indulge in a shared cup of blessed sake between you and your partner. Visitors are also welcome to take this bottle home.LOVE READING: Receive a fortune revolving around potential love, or your current relationships and see where it takes you!No need to be religious in any way to participate!


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In the forms of sticks, cones, or sachets we have incense such as dragons blood, eucalyptus, sandalwood, blue moon, lavender, cherry blossom, cedar etc.

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Eastern prayer beads representing the rainbow for pride! Each color within holds a different meaning. It can come as a bracelet or worn around the neck.

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Traditional charms made for protection against evil spirits, good fortune, harvest, fertility, prosperity, and love!